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I'm giving away my book Attract & Keep Customers for Life for FREE to celebrate 
the launch of my new online course.
They retail at $14.95 - I only ask you to cover $6.99 shipping & handling 
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  • How to get customers to pay your price even though you're not the cheapest option.
  • The one secret to being in demand 24/7 without ever selling another day in your life.
  • The quickest way to start and grow your business without advertising.


"WOW seems to be the keyword in this book and it is very appropriate. I am not someone who enjoys selling or marketing and I was surprised to read the same from the author. He hated selling! 

This book spells out the simple steps and the obvious methods we all too often know, but allow to be drowned out by "hype." I would recommend this book to anyone who hates selling but wants a successful business.

- WV Celtic

Great book for all service based entrepreneurs!

"I really enjoyed this book. All of the concepts were explained really well and I loved the author's examples from his business. What I love most about the four abilities is that it is totally attainable. He breaks it down into realistic, actionable steps that anyone who puts in the effort can achieve.

- C Monn
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